青崎 耕 |
青崎 耕
Development of materials and components for advanced fields such as displays, optics and electronics.
(1).1979: Graduated from the University of Tokyo (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, High-dimensional structure analysis of protein enzymes by X-ray diffraction)
(2).1979-2018: AGC Inc. (formerly ASAHI GLASS Co.), Chemicals Company.
Development of materials and components for displays, optics and electronics such as the world's first transparent fluororesin "CYTOP", the anti-reflective film by roll to roll wet coating method, and PDP optical filters, etc.
(3).June 2018: Director of FT-Net Inc.
(1).Chemical Technology Award 2001 (The Chemical Society of Japan)
(2).Special Technology Award 2005 (Japan Chemical Industry Association)
(1).特定非營利法人 日本光子學協議會 理事
(2).公益社團法人 日本技術士會 應用理學部 部會長